Table 1. Demographics, clinical characteristics, and response to nasal Menopur administration
Participant number Age (years) Body mass index
Antral follicle count Day 3 FSH (IU/mL) Days of nasal Menopur intake Peak FSH Level (IU/mL) Peak estradiol level (pg/mL) Size of largest follicle (mm)
1 41 27.7 7 13 9 37.7 49 6.5 (on cycle day 13)
2 34 29.2 17 6.0 8 10.0 94 10.5 (on cycle day 13)
3 40 34.2 6 9.7 16 29.0 183 17 (on cycle day 20)
4 35 26 12 3.4 8 15.7 90 10 (on cycle day 13)